YouTuber, Julie Nolke gained popularity through her 4-part video series, “Explaining the Pandemic to my Past Self”. The first part gained the most views of over 20 million where her April 2020 self, met with her December 2019 self. As we know around March last year, WHO already declared Covid19 as a pandemic and by April, lockdown restrictions have been implemented to various hot spots across the globe. She did not reveal specific details so as not to overwhelm her past self. Her future self, started with some cryptic advice of stocking up groceries and getting a hobby to keep her busy, say, getting a dog. Her past self said she will be too busy to get a dog because of the many travels she has lined up for 2020. With that, her future self, laughed hard because she knew, those planned travels would have to be cancelled. Next video was her June 2020 self, meeting her April 2020 self where she asked if she hit the bread making phase already. We all know about the various hobbies that sprung up as people were confined to their homes. There’s bread making, cooking, baking, growing plants, gardening, painting, etc. with corresponding videos going viral on various social media platforms. On part 3 of the series, her October 2020 self was already seen smoking and letting out steam. On the final part, the past self is not even asking anymore.
This is a hilarious representation of a world that has become unfamiliar to us. However, the reality is, the impact across the globe is just heartbreaking. From just a handful of people infected in China in late 2019 to millions now across the world. This pandemic has just made a complete overhaul of the world we once knew. Interesting to note that there was a deadlier pandemic called the Spanish Flu back in 1918-1920. The death toll was estimated to be somewhere between 20 million and 50 million. I believe the major contributing factor that time was that they did not have the advance medical technology available. Now we have a global network established that provides alerts on various countries and intel that aids governments to make more informed decisions. Along with this, our scientists and researchers can study the behavior of this virus and have the capability to produce vaccines at a faster rate. We have PPEs in place that shield us from the virus and the medical infrastructure that can save more lives. Modern science, though, is still not a guarantee. We are still not out of this pandemic as variants continue to emerge.
We take comfort in knowing that our God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He was there from the beginning, even before He formed the world we live in today. He is the same God who was there at the Great Flood during Noah’s time. He was there with Moses and parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross, delivering them from the Egyptian army. He was there with Daniel and three of his friends as He spared them from being burned amid the fiery furnace. He was there as His Son Jesus performed all the healing of the sick and raising of the dead. He was there in every major or minor event in our history. He was there from the worst recorded pandemic, Spanish Flu to Covid19 in our present time. I dare not question Him why He allows death in some and spare lives in miraculous ways for others. His wisdom is unfathomable, His greatness insurmountable, His control inconceivable. What I am more in awe of is that I can have a relationship with a God who is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. He made this possible through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Knowing this truth, brings me peace and confidence in facing the future. I trust in a God whose power is unchanging, whose love is constant, whose promise is unfailing. He has been there at every point of my life. No thought in my mind, no desire in my heart is hidden from Him. I accept whatever His will for me is because He knows what’s best for me. Above all, I look forward to Heaven, the eternal dwelling where there will be no more pain and suffering. I will live with Him there forever.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." – James 1:17
#pandemic #Covid19 #spanishflu #julienolke #Goddoesnotchange #unfathomablewisdomofGod #insurmountablegreatnessofGod #inconceivablecontrolofGod #Godisincontrol #omnipotent #omniscient #omnipresent #unchangingpowerofGod #constantloveofGod #unfailingpromisesofGod #everlastinglife #brightspots #blessed #grateful #spreadpositivity #spreadhope #inspire #encourage #Godisgood #Godisfaithful #Godissovereign #JesusisLord