It’s ugly. It’s dark. It’s heartbreaking. It makes your blood boil with anger. You see it in the news, you witness it on the streets, you have personally encountered it. The injustice. The entitlement. The greed. The abuse of power. The discrimination. The excessive lifestyle of several ultra-rich in the expense of stealing from the helpless. The deterioration of human bodies. You hear the cries of the poor, underprivileged and victims of acts of war/terror. You read stories of abuse from the very authorities you expect to protect you and see the grotesque pictures of brutality. You witness lives impacted by cancer and this year, Covid19 to those that are closest to you or even experiencing it yourself. You start to question why? Why does God allow evil and suffering to happen?
First and foremost, I recognize that our human comprehension is so, so, so limited compared to the mind of God. His thoughts, His ways are beyond us. I am reminded of Job, a faithful follower of God. God gave permission to Satan for Job to undergo suffering to test his faith. Job lost his wealth, he lost his children, his body was rotting away and his closest friends and even his wife, have given him discouragement instead of comfort. In his despair, he began to question God.
God replied to him,
“Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” – Job 38:3
I urge you to read Job 38-41 where God outlines each instance of His sovereignty asking Job if he was there when He created the earth, how He orchestrates the way the universe works, how He tames the mighty beasts of the earth, how He takes care of all beings. At the end of each of these chapters, you will definitely see how minute we are as humans. After reading, I would not even dare ask in the first place.
We are living in a corrupt world. When Adam first sinned in the garden of Eden, he had to suffer the consequence and be driven away from that perfect and incorruptible habitat. He brought with him a curse that rendered the hearts of men to be easily corrupted and enslaved by sin. Evil is not new. Even during Adam’s time – the first family already had to contend with deep divisions. His son Cain murdered his brother Abel. God allowed Satan to rule this earth. Satan is cunning, unforgiving and forever in the lookout to defeat God. He destroys whatever good God has intended for us, His creation.
God is not deaf to our cries. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to live with us. Jesus, the Sovereign God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords came and dwelt among us. He did not reside in palaces. In fact, His birth was in a humble inn. He did not experience any luxurious lifestyle. He identified with each one of us. He felt pain, He cried, He felt exhaustion, He was human. Jesus fulfilled His mission by dying on the cross as a sacrifice once and for all to redeem us from the curse and corruption of sin. This gift of salvation is freely given to each one of us. All He asks for is our acceptance and recognition of this salvation and His Lordship.
Finally, Jesus will return someday. For those that believe Him, He will wipe away every tear. There will be no more suffering and even our bodies will become incorruptible. For those that follow evil, they will be condemned and judged. Justice will ultimately prevail. Evil men will get what they deserve. Above all, Satan will be defeated and will no longer have dominion in this world.
With these truths, what then should be our outlook now? Let us not be disheartened but be hopeful because Jesus will return. Let us be vigilant and as Christ’s followers, be ready to fight evil. Our voices maybe small but we can make a difference in our own unique way. Let us be bold and share the good news of salvation. Jesus will return victorious and He will redeem the world. Just like the angels who spoke to the witnesses seeing Jesus ascend to heaven, same message is applicable to us now.
“Men of Galilee”, they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” – Acts 1:11
We wait for You, Jesus, for Your triumphant return.