The battle against Covid19 still rages on. With the Delta and other variants in the mix, fourth wave has happened in some countries and is looming in Canada. My heart just goes out to family members and friends who have been affected. From panic, fear to despair – it is a roller coaster of emotions. Over the past weeks, I have received not just Covid related news but other sudden medical emergencies and even deaths from families of close friends. One can never know when a storm or trial could hit. All can be calm at one moment then suddenly your world can be shaken. My father had his own medical procedure back in 2017 and had to undergo open abdomen surgery to repair his aortic aneurysm. The four to five hours he has been in the operating room seems to be an eternity for the family. The prayers of loved ones have kept us encouraged. As my father was transferred to ICU and being monitored, seeing him on a fragile state, just keeps your radar and senses on all the time. Being 80 that time, his recovery can go off tangent because of old age. Praise God because He has answered our prayers and that of our circle of support and my father’s recovery has been steady and smooth.
I deeply admire those that display strength and courage because of their strong faith. True, there are moments of disorientation and helplessness, however, their faith anchors them back to the knowledge that the One above is in control. Their trust in God is so solid that even us who are present to provide comfort and support are the ones comforted and encouraged instead. It is evident in the conversations, in their social media posts and in their actions. One thing I have seen that is common among them is their unwavering hope and focus on positive things. There is that surrender and resignation that whatever happens is all under God’s control and providence. They count their blessings not their adversities.
Recently, I had the opportunity to have some vacation time with friends. We spent a few days exploring flower farms, cliffs, rivers, lakes, falls, beaches, caves, etc. I just can’t explain the joy seeing God’s magnificent creation. God is invisible yet felt. He is in the beautiful sunset that gives unexplained peace. He is on the sunflower fields with flowers looking up towards the sun that lifts the spirits. He is on the magnificent cliffs and forests that make you want to burst in song of praise. He is on the intricate rock formations of the caves and even in the darkness, you feel Him. He is on wildlife we saw such as deers, chipmunks, eagles, herons, and more that are enjoying their natural habitat. More importantly, He is present in the laughter, the wonderful chats and bond among friends.
How does one feel Him? How does one know He is present and active? This privilege is available to those who have received Him, who has accepted Him as the Master and Lord of their lives. In John 3:8 Jesus quoted, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” We can relate only to God if we are one in spirit with Him just as what Jesus said again in John 4:24, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
This personal relationship with the Heavenly Father is what empowers a Christian to see past the trials and challenges that go their way. If one is having a terrible day at work, a conversation with the Lord, turns the negative perspective around. Instead of focusing on the bad things, suddenly there are even good things that happened that day that just needs to be re-examined. Even better, when one looks back and realizes that trials have their purpose, and they strengthen one as a person. Same with family trials – while in the thick of it, yes there is one shocking and sad news after the other but prayers with the Lord, focuses back on His goodness and faithfulness. Trials strengthen the family ties further.
The more one gets to know and experience the attributes of God, the more one’s faith is strengthened. It is an endless list. Among them is infinite, unchangeable, self-sufficient, all powerful, all knowing, always everywhere, perfect, wise, faithful, good, just, merciful, gracious, loving, holy, glorious. These are just some of them and even this short list is a great privilege to experience in one’s spiritual journey.
I cannot explain it and I can’t contain it. You must experience it! He is just a prayer away. If the Almighty Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is new to you, come near to Him and ask Him to come into your life. Once you accept Jesus, you have the power of the trinity at work in you. If you believed once and strayed along the way, He is waiting for You to come back. You will discover He is invisible to the naked eye but has been there all along, striding with you in the high and low points of your life. Don’t miss this amazing privilege!